Our Academic Ethos

As a Post 16 Centre, we believe that there is no limit to what our students can achieve. In fact, we are constantly challenging our students to aim higher than they ever have before. We hold high expectations for our Post 16 students. Post 16 is a choice and when you make this choice you are choosing to apply yourself to your studies and deepen your understanding of the courses you have chosen to study.

Our Post 16 Centre fosters a strong academic ethos; students are expected to arrive at lessons on time and to be well prepared for their study. Students should develop the skills to prioritise their workload and meet their deadlines taking responsibility for their own learning. We provide the necessary support and guidance to help all students to become effective learners.

In our community, our students Post 16 are role models. We operate with a high expectation of how to behave, treating our students as adults who are able to self regulate their own behaviour. Lessons are for study and not places of social engagement or to be disturbed by mobile phones or off task immaturity. Life chances are made in these lessons and this must be respected by all students.

We want our students to enjoy their Post 16 experience and provide a well balanced curriculum to ensure our students make the most of this time in their education and fulfil their potential.